Little Sparks is a short documentary film following a day in the lives of Kayden, Kassandra, and Tatiana, three NYC children, during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Watch a clip from this special short film below.
Denali Tiller, Director
Denali Tiller is an artist and award-winning filmmaker working in non-fiction forms. She was named 110 “filmmakers to watch” by Variety Magazine in 2015 for her short film, Sons and Daughters of the Incarcerated — which grew into her feature documentary, Tre Maison Dasan. She has worked with the US Agency for International Development, and has taught at the Rhode Island School of Design. Through her work, Denali is interested in empowering artists in systemic thinking, social justice and activism. She is most passionate about children and youth advocacy, and how we raise boys in America.